Using Deep Sjeng 1.0 personalities with ChessBase programs

UPDATE: ChessBase fixed the bug for Fritz 8 and Shredder 7 in the most recent update. Download the new UCI.DLL

It seems that the UCI support of all ChessBase programs is incomplete which causes some options to be missing from Deep Sjeng when it is used under such an interface. Affected are Fritz 7, Shredder 6, Hiarcs 8, Fritz 8 and Shredder 7. Not affected are Shredder 6 Classic and Shredder 7 Classic. The problem is not limited to Deep Sjeng, notably Yace Paderborn and even Shredder 7 UCI (!) should have the same issues.

With a bit of effort it is however possible to work around the problem:
  1. Make a new directory on your harddisk, and name it 'DeepSjengCB' or something similar. From the '\Lokasoft\engines\DeepSjeng1.0' directory, and copy
  2. into this directory.

  3. Download the file 'sjeng.rc' and place it in the same directory.
  4. Start up the relevant ChessBase program, and from the 'Engine' menu choose 'Create UCI Engine'. Select the DeepSjeng.exe from the directory you just made.
  5. To use any personality other than the default, open the 'sjeng.rc' file in this directory with any text editor (Notepad works fine) and look for
    # Personality (default=none)
    # Loads a personality from a file.
  6. You can change 'Default.per' into the desired personality. e.g. 'Kasparov.per'.
  1. Do not change anything in 'sjeng.rc' besides the personality option (like the tablebase directory), even if they look wrong.
  2. The weak personalities may not give any output in the ChessBase GUI's, but they will play regardless.